Medicare Eligible
If you’re working at BMO and have medical coverage under one of BMO’s medical plans when you turn age 65, you may enroll in Medicare or delay your enrollment.
When you can enroll for Medicare
When you become Medicare-eligible and are covered under a group health plan, like a BMO medical plan, you need to decide when to start Medicare coverage.
You can enroll in Medicare
Certain rules apply to Health Savings Accounts if you’re enrolled in Medicare or TRICARE. Learn more.
You can delay enrolling in Medicare
Part A: You can enroll in premium-freePart A at any time after you’re first eligible for Medicare. YourPart A coverage will go back (retroactively) 6 months from when you sign up (but no earlier than the first month you’re eligible for Medicare). Note: If you elect to start receiving your Social Security benefit, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A. -
Part B: You have eight months from when your employment ends to enroll in MedicarePart B through a Special Enrollment Period. You’ll need to complete certain forms, including the Request for Employment Information (CMS-L564) Form. BMO will need to complete a section of CMS-L564 verifying the dates of your medical coverage. Fax the completed form to Alight Solutions, BMO’s benefit administrator, at 1-866-894-6684. Allow ten business days from receipt of your form for processing.